Sha, Chen(沙 辰)
Born and raised in Shenyang, China, Sha’s journey led her to the United States in 2008 and, most recently, to Japan in 2021. Prior to joining Toho Leo, Sha has been working in high end residential interior design in Los Angeles. With her unique expertise in design and business, Sha is driven to explore design’s future and transform it into a thriving business.
Sha holds a BA from the University of Kansas and later completed her MBA at Hitotsubashi University School of International Corporate Strategy.
【Talk session】
After Ms.Sha came to Japan, She often hear the question, “America is so great, why did you choose to come to Japan?” This question has surprised her numerous times, making her wonder if her decision is actually that unusual. On this special occasion, She’s eager to share the story behind this pivotal decision in her life.
Why did I come to Japan
【Date and time】
Saturday, October 21, 2023 11:20〜11:45
Kurumayama Sky Plaza, 3413 Kitayama, Chino, Nagano